2024/07/18 06:00 PM East Hampton Town Board Regular Meeting (2025)

East Hampton Town Board Carole Brennan2024/07/18 06:00 PM East Hampton Town Board Regular Meeting (1)

159 Pantigo Road Telephone:

East Hampton, NY 11937

East Hampton Town Board meeting of July 18, 2024
East Hampton, New York

6:00 PM Meeting called to order on July 18, 2024 at Town Hall Meeting Room/Teleconference, 159 Pantigo Road, East Hampton, NY.

Attendee Name





Councilmember Tom Flight




Councilmember David Lys




Councilmember Cate Rogers




Councilmember Ian Calder-Piedmonte




Supervisor Kathee Burke-Gonzalez




1. Campbell & Cuccia SPH NPH CPF Acquisition and Amend 2024 M&S Plan

2. Solicit Comments on Draft Renewable Energy Roadmap Plan

3. NOPH - First Time Homebuyer Assistance - Lee Grimes

4. NOPH - First Time Homebuyer Assistance - Melissa Anderson

5. Schedule Public Hearing – Release of Highway Right-Of-Way

6. NOPH - Accept Scenic Easement - Urban Renewal


RESOLUTION: 2024-938

CATEGORY: Warrant Approval

SPONSORED BY: Councilmember Tom Flight


Warrant No. 7B - Approval of Claims $4,485,891.04 Utility Warrant 7B $39,039.57

RESOLVED, that Claims on Warrant No. 7B, in the amount of $ 4,485,891.04 were audited by the Town Board and the Supervisor is hereby directed to pay same; and be it

RESOLVED, that Claims on Utility Warrant No. 7B, in the amount of $ 39,039.57 were audited by the Town Board and the Supervisor is hereby directed to pay same.

RESOLUTION: 2024-939

CATEGORY: Bids Accepted

SPONSORED BY: Councilmember Tom Flight

DEPARTMENT: Purchasing

Accept Bid #EH24-023 - Food Service & Kitchenware Items and Miscellaneous Foods July 2024 - Mivila Foods of NY, Inc. , Sam Tell and Son Inc.

WHEREAS, the Town Board solicited bids Supply & Delivery of Food Service & Kitchenware Items and Miscellaneous Foods July 2024 Bid No. EH24-023; and

WHEREAS, the bids of Mivila Foods of NY, Inc. and Sam Tell and Son Inc. were the lowest bids received meeting the bid specifications and being in proper form; and

WHEREAS, the bids submitted have been reviewed by the Human Services Department and Jeanne Carroza, NIGP-CPP, CPPB, the Town's Senior Purchasing Agent, and she has recommended the award of the bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidders; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, the bid of Mivila Foods of NY, Inc. is hereby accepted for Items: 2, 3, 5, 23, 57-59, 61, 62;and, be it further

RESOLVED, the bid of Sam Tell and Son Inc. is hereby accepted for Items: 1, 4, 6-15, 17, 18, 20,21,22,24-38, 40-56 ,60,63-100 ; and be it further

RESOLVED, the Senior Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to issue purchase orders in accordance with the Town's bid specifications and the bid submissions of the contractors.

RESOLUTION: 2024-940

CATEGORY: Agreements, Contracts

SPONSORED BY: Councilmember Tom Flight

DEPARTMENT: Town Attorney

Authorize Agreement ESRI - ArcGIS Desktop Standard Single Use Perpetual License

WHEREAS, the Town of East Hampton requires a Perpetual Single Use License for ArcGIS Desktop Standard; and

WHEREAS, ESRI has provided a quote, Q-524996 dated 6/20/2024, that provides for the perpetual use software license at a cost of $6,394.60; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is authorized to execute the ESRI quotation for the payment to ESRI in the amount of $6,394.60 for the perpetual use software license, and such payment to be made from budget account A1680 54632 in the amount of $5,115.68 and B1680 54623 in the amount of $1,278.92.

RESOLUTION: 2024-941

CATEGORY: Issue Check

SPONSORED BY: Councilmember Tom Flight

DEPARTMENT: Purchasing

Amend Resolution #2024-652 Re-Purchase Fort Hill Cemetery Plots - Holmes Family Trust

RESOLVED, that Resolution #2024-652 which states William Holmes, Trustee of the Holmes Family Trust, the owner of cemetery plots #71,72,73 & 74 in Section G of the Montauk Fort Hill Cemetery is hereby amended as follows:

WHEREAS, William Holmes, Trustee of the Holmes Family Trust, the owner of cemetery plots #72,73 & 74 in Section G of the Montauk Fort Hill Cemetery has requested to sell back these plots due to permanent relocation out of state; and

WHEREAS, these plots are being offered to the Town for re-purchase, in the amount of $3000.00; now, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the request of William Holmes for the sale of plots #72-74 in Section G of the Fort Hill Cemetery is hereby accepted; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is authorized to re-purchase the plots for the sum of $3000.00 to be paid to the Seller upon presentment of appropriate papers to transfer title to the Town; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that payment shall be made out of Budget Account A8850.54573.

Financial Impact:

A8850.54573 - $3000.00

RESOLUTION: 2024-942

CATEGORY: Issue Check

SPONSORED BY: Councilmember Tom Flight

DEPARTMENT: Purchasing

Re-Purchase Fort Hill Cemetery Plot - David Holmes

WHEREAS, David Holmes, Trustee of Holmes Family Trust, the owner of cemetery plot #71 in Section G of the Montauk Fort Hill Cemetery has requested to sell back this plot due to permanent relocation out of state; and

WHEREAS, this plot is being offered to the Town for re-purchase, in the amount of $1000.00; now, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the request of David Holmes for the sale of plot #71 in Section G of the Fort Hill Cemetery is hereby accepted; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is authorized to re-purchase the plot for the sum of $1000.00 to be paid to the Seller upon presentment of appropriate papers to transfer title to the Town; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that payment shall be made out of Budget Account A8850.54573.

Financial Impact:

A8850.54573 - $1000.00


RESOLUTION: 2024-943

CATEGORY: Local Law Public Hearing

SPONSORED BY: Councilmember David Lys

DEPARTMENT: Town Attorney

Notice of Public Hearing to Consider Local Law Amending Chapter 182 to Remove a Property from the Town Nature Preserve

WHEREAS, the Town of East Hampton acquired a parcel of property on the west side of the intersection of Springs-Fireplace Road at its intersection with Three Mile Harbor Road from the East Hampton Lions Club, Inc. in 1971; and

WHEREAS the Town of East Hampton acquired the adjoining northerly parcel on the westerly side of Springs-Fireplace Road in 1972 from Edwin L. Sherrill; and

WHEREAS, the East Hampton Lions Club parcel and the Sherrill parcel were later combined and designated on the Suffolk County Tax Map as SCTM #0300-163.00-03.00-007.000 consisting of approximately two (2) acres located between and at the intersection of Three Mile Harbor Road (County Road 40) and Springs-Fireplace Road (County Road 41); and

WHEREAS, the Town, after adopting Chapter 182 "Nature Preserve" of the Town Code, dedicated numerous Town-owned properties as "Nature Preserve parcels" and SCTM #0300-163.00-03.00-007.000 was listed in Table II, which set forth designated nature preserve parcels within the East Hampton School District, as the "Sherrill Triangle - Three Mile Harbor Road & Springs Fireplace Road"; and

WHEREAS, with the growth of the Town since the acquisition of the Sherrill Triangle and the increase in traffic at the intersection of Three Mile Harbor Road and Springs-Fireplace Road has resulted in traffic congestion and risks to public safety, and the Town has examined various possible solutions to alleviate traffic, and reduce the public safety risks presently existing due to the current design of this intersection; and

WHEREAS, it is believed that a re-design of the intersection, utilizing traffic circles and improved road designs would alleviate traffic congestion as well as potential vehicular and/or pedestrian accidents, but installation of such improvements would require the use of additional property at the intersection in order to install such improvements; and

WHEREAS, due to the location of the "Sherill Triangle" between Three Mile Harbor Road and Springs-Fireplace Road, the Town Board believes this property is the only viable location upon which necessary road improvements may be installed, and as a result, the Town sought legislation from the New York State Legislature to eliminate any parkland designation on the Sherrill Triangle, and such relief was granted by the legislature by Senate Bill S09741a and Assembly Bill A10413a and pursuant to Article IX of the State Constitution and Municipal Home Rule Law; and

WHEREAS, in order to proceed with the installation of improvements to the intersection, the Sherrill Triangle will also require the removal of the Nature Preserve designation from the parcel, and pursuant to Chapter 182 "Nature Preserve" the Town Board must conduct a public hearing, with notice of the same published no less than 14 nor more than 30 days prior to the hearing, and the Town Board, by a majority plus one vote of its members, must determine that an imperative and unavoidable public necessity exists requiring the removal of the parcel from the Town's Nature Preserve designation, and the Town Board wishes to hear the comments of the public with regard to the same; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Town Board shall hold a public hearing on shall be held on August 15, 2024 at 6:00 p.m., or as soon after as this matter can be heard, at East Hampton Town Hall, 159 Pantigo Road, East Hampton, New York, to hear any and all persons with regard to a local law entitled: “A LOCAL LAW amending Town Code Chapter 182 “Nature Preserve” Article IV “East Hampton Town Nature Preserve - Register of Properties” Table II “Town of East Hampton - Owned Lands, Parcels within East Hampton School District” to remove the “Sherrill Triangle” property as a Town Nature Preserve” such local law to read as follows:


Intro. of 2024

A LOCAL LAW amending Town Code Chapter 182 “Nature Preserve” Article IV “East Hampton Town Nature Preserve - Register of Properties”. Table II “Town of East Hampton - Owned Lands, Parcels within East Hampton School District” to remove the “Sherrill Triangle” property as a Town Nature Preserve”.

BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of East Hampton as follows:

SECTION I. Legislative Intent.

This local law amends Chapter 182 “Nature Preserve”, Article IV “East Hampton Town Nature Preserve - Register of Properties” Table II, which lists town-owned properties within the East Hampton School District included in the Town Nature Preserve, to remove an approximately two (2) acre parcel known as the “Sherrill Triangle”, located between Three Mile Harbor Road and Springs-Fireplace Road and at the intersection of the same. Traffic congestion at this intersection has increased significantly in recent years, and poses a public safety risk. The Town Board has urged the County of Suffolk to consider making improvements to the intersection in the interest of alleviating traffic congestion and improving public safety, but in order to make any significant improvements, additional land at the intersection is needed. The Sherrill Triangle appears to be the only reasonable location upon which further improvements to this intersection may be installed. As a result, the Town believes that an imperative and unavoidable public necessity pursuant to Section 182-14B(2) of Chapter 182 supports the removal of the Nature Preserve designation from the Sherill Triangle, making the property available for installation of highway improvements.

SECTION II. Amendment.

Chapter 182 of the East Hampton Town Code is hereby amended at Article IV, with respect to Table II of the Register of Properties, by removing the property SCTM 0300-167-3-7 "Sherrill Triangle" below (shown in bold cross out) as follows:


Town of East Hampton - Owned Lands

Parcels within East Hampton School District

SCTM #300- Parcel Description/East Hampton School District



Hedges Banks bluff access, Landfall RA - Hedges Banks Drive

0.30 (c)


Grace Estate Preserve



W. Gardner Park (Camp Norwesca) - Old House Landing Road



W. Gardner Park (Camp Norwesca) - Old House Landing Road



Sammis Beach Road Wetlands

0.2 (c)


Sammis Beach Road Wetlands

0.2 (c)


Three Mile Harbor Wetlands, Lucy's Point - Sammis Beach Road



Sammis Beach Road Wetlands, Lucy’s Point



Three Mile Harbor Wetlands, Lucy's Point - Sammis Beach Road

0.9 (c)


Sammis Beach Preserve



Northwest Harbor waterfront - Mile Hill Road



Grassy Hollow Preserve, Northwest Estates RA



Grassy Hollow Preserve, Grassy Hollow Estates RA



Three Mile Harbor waterfront, Peter's Reel - Hand’s Creek Road



Hands Creek Preserve



Hands Creek Preserve, Hands Creek Harbor RA - Clamshell Avenue

0.64 (c)


Hands Creek Preserve, Hands Creek Harbor RA - Clamshell Avenue

0.62 (c)


Hands Creek Preserve, Hands Creek Harbor RA - Clamshell Avenue

0.37 (c)


76 Northwest Landing



Northwest Swamp Preserve - off Northwest Landing Road



Northwest Swamp Preserve - off Northwest Landing Road



Northwest Swamp Preserve - off Northwest Landing Road



Northwest Swamp Preserve - off Northwest Landing Road



Grace Estate Preserve



Northwest Creek wetlands - Northwest Landing Road

0.50 (c)


Timber Lane Section II RA



Timber Lane Section II RA



Timber Lane Section II RA



Springy Banks Road Reserved Area



Springy Banks Road Reserved Area



Springy Banks Road Reserved Area



Treescape RA - Springy Banks Road, drainage



Hampton Waters RA - Oyster Pond Lane, drainage

0.20 (c)


Hampton Waters RA - Oyster Pond Lane, drainage

0.20 (c)


Hampton Waters RA - Oyster Pond Lane, pedestrian R.O.W.



Wooded parcel, Treescape RA



Treescape RA - Middle Highway



Treescape RA - Springy Banks Road



Swamp Road



Red Springs Path Wetlands



Swamp Road RA, road buffer



Crooked Highway



Chatfield’s Hole Preserve



Trail corridor, Cloder/Peters Subwaiver RA - Bull Path



Old Northwest Road Reserved/Woodland



Old Northwest Road Reserved/Woodland



Cross Highway Reserved/Woodland



Cross Highway Reserved/Woodland



Stephen Hands Path Reserved/Woodland



Northwest Pines RA - Old Northwest Road



Northwest Pines RA - Marion Lane



Northwest Pines RA - Old Northwest Road



Northwest Pines RA - Marion Lane



Northwest Pines RA - Marion Lane road triangle

0.10 (c)


Northwest Pines RA - Marion Lane road triangle

0.10 (c)


Hands Creek Road Reserved Area



Hands Creek Road Reserved Area



Hands Creek Road Reserved Area



Middle Highway Reserved Area



Middle Highway Reserved Area



Middle Highway Reserved Area



Treescape RA - Middle Highway



Treescape RA - Springy Banks Road



Treescape RA - Springy Banks Road (Snake Hole)



Treescape RA - Springy Banks Road



Middle Highway Reserved Area



Hands Creek Road Reserved Area



Three Mile Harbor/Gardiner Cove waterfront, Hampton Waters RA - South Pond Road

0.50 (c)


Soak Hides Dreen Preserve - Springy Banks Road



Soak Hides Dreen Preserve - Springy Banks Road



Soak Hides Dreen Preserve - Springy Banks Road



Between Old Fireplace Rd. and Springs Fireplace Road



Between Old Fireplace Rd. and Springs Fireplace Road



Soak Hides Dreen Preserve - Gardiner Cove Road



Soak Hides Dreen Preserve - Soaks Hides Road

0.36 (c)


Soak Hides Dreen Preserve - Soaks Hides Road

0.29 (c)


Soak Hides Dreen Preserve - Springy Banks Road



Soak Hides Dreen Preserve - Springy Banks Road



Soak Hides Dreen Preserve - Springy Banks Road



767 Route 114

Eastern 1.76 acres of total 5.5 acres


Route 114 Pine Forest/Wetlands



Route 114 Pine Forest/Wetlands



Wolf's Hole/Edwards Hole Preserve



Wolf's Hole/Edwards Hole Preserve



Two Holes of Water Reserved



East Hampton Knolls RA - Whooping Hollow Road, drainage

0.98 (c)


Two Holes of Water Road, road buffer



Planz Subwaiver - Old Northwest Road, road buffer



Planz Subwaiver - Old Northwest Road, road buffer



Planz Subwaiver - Old Northwest Road, road buffer



Northwest Hills RA - Old Northwest Road, road buffer



Northwest Hills RA - Bull Path, road buffer



Bull Path, road buffer



Northwest Hills RA - Bull Path

0.25 (c)


Northwest Hills RA - Old Northwest Road, road buffer



Northwest Hills RA - Bull Path, road buffer

0.50 (c)


J. Hunting Triangle - Stephen Hand's Path and Old Northwest Road



Cedar Woods RA



Whalebone Woods RA



Whalebone Woods RA



Abrahams Path Reserved



Abrahams Path Reserved



Hilltops RA



Hilltops RA



Hilltops RA



East Hampton Knolls RA - Whooping Hollow Rd., drainage

0.86 (c)


East Hampton Knolls RA - Cosdrew Lane

0.92 (c)


Fisher RA



Chatfields Ridge RA



Route 114 Reserved Area



Route 114 Reserved Area



Old Two Holes of Water Reserved



Hardscrabble Heritage RA



Hardscrabble Heritage RA



Hardscrabble Heritage RA



Fox Hollow Estates RA - Sag Harbor Turnpike, road buffer



Fields of East Hampton RA - Roberts Lane, road buffer



Fields of East Hampton RA - Roberts Lane, road buffer



Fields of East Hampton RA - Roberts Lane, road buffer



Fields of East Hampton RA - Roberts Lane, road buffer



Fields of East Hampton RA - Roberts Lane, road buffer



Fields of East Hampton RA



Fields of East Hampton RA - Fieldview Lane, road buffer



Fields of East Hampton RA - Fieldview Lane, road buffer



Fields of East Hampton RA - Fieldview Lane, road buffer



Fields of East Hampton RA - Fieldview Lane, road buffer



Fields of East Hampton RA - Fieldview Lane, road buffer



Fields of East Hampton RA - Fieldview Lane, road buffer



Fields of East Hampton RA - Fieldview Lane, road buffer



Fields of East Hampton RA - Fieldview Lane, road buffer



Fields of East Hampton RA - Fieldview Lane, road buffer



Fields of East Hampton RA - Cedar Street, road buffer



Palma Terrace

0.32 (c)


Palma Terrace

0.07 (c)


Sherrill Triangle - Three Mile Harbor Road & Springs Fireplace Road



Laura’s Lane Reserved



39 Dominy Court



Hump Path Reserved/Woodland



Fox Hollow Estates RA



Fox Hollow Estates RA - Stephen Hands Path, road buffer



Fox Hollow Estates RA - Stephen Hands Path, road buffer



Gould Street



Parcel Description/East Hampton Village



820 Old Montauk Highway



1. (c) means calculated figure.

2. RA means subdivision reserved area.

3. SCTM means Suffolk County Tax Map parcel number.

SECTION III. Effective Date.

This local law shall take effect upon filing with the Secretary of State pursuant to Municipal Home Rule Law.

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized to publish the following Notice of Public Hearing in the July 25, 2024 edition of the EAST HAMPTON STAR:


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of East Hampton will hold a public hearing at Town Hall, 159 Pantigo Road, East Hampton, New York, Thursday August 15, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as this matter may be heard, to consider comments of all persons regarding the amendment of Chapter 182 “Nature Preserve” Article IV “East Hampton Town Nature Preserve - Register of Properties” Table II, “Town of East Hampton - Owned Lands, Parcels within East Hampton School District” to remove the property described as “Sherrill Triangle” consisting of approximately 2.0 acres and having a Suffolk County Tax Map designation as SCTM #0300-163-3-7 from the Town Nature Preserve.

The full text of the local law is available for inspection in the Office of the Town Clerk, 159 Pantigo Road, East Hampton, New York 11937 during regular business hours.

The public hearing will be held live and in-person by the Town Board and will be available electronically by video and teleconferencing, and will be televised on Local TV (LTV) Channel 22, and available for livestream on the LTV website (<<https://www.ltveh.org>>). The public shall be permitted to appear in person but may also provide comments on the matter being heard by calling 351-888-6331.

Any person or party wishing to be heard with respect to the foregoing may do so, in person or by agent or by attorney, or by written comment addressed to the East Hampton Town Clerk, 159 Pantigo Road, East Hampton, New York 11937. Comments may also be submitted to the Town Clerk by email to CBrennan@ehamptonny.gov. All comments must be received by the Town Clerk by the date and time of the public hearing.

Please check the meeting Agenda posted on the Town's website (www.ehamptonny.gov) for any changes, and for updated information.

Dated: July 18, 2024 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD




RESOLUTION: 2024-944

CATEGORY: Appointments

SPONSORED BY: Councilmember David Lys

DEPARTMENT: Human Resources

Appoint Seasonal Employee in the Recreation Department

RESOLVED, that the following individual be and is hereby appointed seasonally to the Recreation Department, at the listed hourly rate, to be paid bi-weekly from budget account A7020.51200, upon proper submission of time records, effective retroactive to June 18, 2024

Timothy Treadwell Recreation Specialist (Town Open $23.40

Water Swim Training)

RESOLUTION: 2024-945

CATEGORY: Appointments

SPONSORED BY: Councilmember David Lys

DEPARTMENT: Human Resources

Appoint Seasonal Lifeguards - July 2024

RESOLVED, that the following be and are hereby appointed as seasonal lifeguards, in the Recreation Department, at the titles, and hourly rates listed below, to be paid bi-weekly from budget account A7180-51200, upon proper submission of time records, effective on the dates listed through September 16, 2024;

Amanda Calabrese Senior Lifeguard $25.00 07/03/2024

Julian DeMann Senior Lifeguard $25.00 07/31/2024

Thomas Harris Ocean Lifeguard $23.00 07/03/2024

Jacob Loeb Bay lifeguard $22.00 07/04/2023

Darcy McFarland Senior Lifeguard $25.00 07/31/2024

Edmar Nateras Ocean Lifeguard $23.00 07/04/2024

Tiana Treadwell Senior Lifeguard $25.00 07/04/2024

RESOLUTION: 2024-946

CATEGORY: Appointments

SPONSORED BY: Councilmember David Lys

DEPARTMENT: Human Resources

Appoint Seasonal Employees in the Parks Department

RESOLVED, that the following be and is hereby appointed to seasonal positions in the Parks Department, at the hourly rate listed below, to be paid bi-weekly from budget account A7110.51200, upon proper submission of time records, effective dates are listed below:

Karen Jimenez Custodian I $22.00 07/19/2024

Juan Artunduaga Laborer $21.00 07/19/2024

Ramon Card Laborer $21.00 07/16/2024

RESOLUTION: 2024-947

CATEGORY: Personnel Misc.

SPONSORED BY: Councilmember David Lys

DEPARTMENT: Human Resources

Title Changes for Lifeguards- May 2024

WHEREAS, the Superintendent of Recreation, John Rooney and Chief Lifeguard, John Ryan Jr., have requested that the following employees be promoted to the positions listed below, now, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the following employees are hereby appointed to the titles and hourly rates, with no change in budget accounts, effective retroactive to the dates listed:

Dylan Garbutt Ocean Lifeguard $23.00 04/07/2024

Vivienne Jones Ocean Lifeguard $23.00 06/02/2024

Dylan Knapik Advanced Ocean Lifeguard $24.00 06/18/2024

Liam Knight Advanced Ocean Lifeguard $24.00 06/15/2024

RESOLUTION: 2024-948

CATEGORY: Personnel Misc.

SPONSORED BY: Councilmember David Lys

DEPARTMENT: Human Resources

Amend Resolution 2024-929-Title Change for Lifeguard

RESOLVED, resolution 2024-929 promoting Colin Schaefer to Lieutenant Lifeguard effective retroactive to June 16, 2024 is amended to reflect Mr. Schaefer's start date as Lieutenant Lifeguard is retroactive to May 20, 2024.

RESOLUTION: 2024-949


SPONSORED BY: Councilmember David Lys

DEPARTMENT: Bookkeeping

Budget Modification - Highway Department

RESOLVED, that the Town Board directs the Budget Office to make the following budget modification for additional costs for advertising bids:


Budget Line: DB5140.54731 Signs in the amount of $ 600.00


Budget Line: DB5140.54110 Advertising in the amount of $ 600.00

RESOLUTION: 2024-950

CATEGORY: Agreements, Contracts

SPONSORED BY: Councilmember David Lys

DEPARTMENT: Land Acquisition

License to Utilize Agricultural Land at 147 Buckskill Road - Amber Waves First of Three Extensions

License to Utilize Agricultural Land at 147 Buckskill Road - Amber Waves First of Three Extensions

WHEREAS, the Town Board passed resolution 2019-830 authorizing the Supervisor to enter into an agricultural license agreement with Amber Waves Farm for agricultural lands located at 147 Buckskill Road in East Hampton; and

WHEREAS, said farmer has utilized the property consistently with the Agricultural License agreement signed on August 8, 2019; and

WHEREAS, the license term will expire in August of 2024 but is renewable for three (3) additional five (5) year terms upon the mutual consent of the parties; and

WHEREAS, the license fee is being increased to $250.00 per acre in keeping with the fair market value for agricultural land; and

WHEREAS, Amber Waves Farm has expressed a desire to continue this license agreement; and now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to enter into the first of three (3) renewable extensions, said agreement to be subject to the review and approval of the Town Attorney.

Financial Impact:

$1704.75 per year to be deposited into Community Preservation Fund

Financial Impact:

$1704.75 per year to be deposited into Community Preservation Fund

RESOLUTION: 2024-951

CATEGORY: Agreements, Contracts

SPONSORED BY: Councilmember David Lys

DEPARTMENT: Natural Resources

Water Quality RFA Grant Extensions - Round 1 2022

WHEREAS, in furtherance of water quality objectives, the Town of East Hampton issued a Request for Applications (RFA) for WQIPs for the first round of 2022 grant funding; and

WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of East Hampton on June 2, 2022 via Resolution 2022-736 authorized the use of Community Preservation Fund Water Quality funding to award grants to the projects detailed below;


Project Sponsor: NYS Center for Clean Water Technology (CCWT)

Summary: Upgrade of an existing conventional septic system at the Pollock-Krasner House Study Center with a constructed wetland alternative sanitary system. The constructed wetland system will be designed to treat the 440gpd flow with an expected reduction of ~26-30 lbs-TN/yr to Accabonac Harbor.

Project Type: Wastewater Treatment Improvement

Funding Award: $132,100.00


Project Sponsor: Village of East Hampton

Summary: Upgrade of the existing conventional septic systems at the Main Beach Pavilion to two separate IA systems for the on-site comfort stations. The proposed IA systems will treat the combined flow of 4,200 gpd with an expected reduction of 495.3 lbs-TN/yr to groundwater.

Project Type: Wastewater Treatment Improvement

Funding Award: $226,000.00

WHEREAS, provisions in each contract stated that the recipient agrees to perform the services in accordance with the contract for a period of one (1) year following execution of the contract, and the Town reserves the right to extend each agreement for two (2) additional periods of one (1) year, if such extension is in the best interest of the Town; and

WHEREAS, due to circumstances including permitting and logistical issues there have been delays in project execution and approvals for these projects which have resulted in the grant recipient's inability to complete projects within the initial one-year contract period; and

WHEREAS, the Town of East Hampton would like to authorize one-year extensions of the contracts between the Town of East Hampton and the Village of East Hampton and NYS Center for Clean Water Technology to allow these important projects to complete; and therefore be it,

RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to authorize contract extensions for the Water Quality Improvement contracts for the Village of East Hampton and NYS Center for Clean Water Technology for one-year and to execute any documents related to this request as necessary, in a form as approved by the Office of the Town Attorney.

RESOLUTION: 2024-952

CATEGORY: Agreements, Contracts

SPONSORED BY: Councilmember David Lys

DEPARTMENT: Natural Resources

Water Quality Contract Modification: Sag Harbor Christ Episcopal Church

WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of East Hampton on August 8, 2020 via Resolution 2020-766 authorized the use of Community Preservation Fund Water Quality funding to award grant funding through the first round of the 2020 Request for Applications (RFA) to the Sag Harbor Christ Episcopal Church for a septic system upgrade in the amount of $143,860.00; and

WHEREAS, the Town Board approved a contract amendment on August 17, 2023 via Resolution 2023-1175 to extend the existing grant contract for one additional year with the option for two additional one-year extensions; and

WHEREAS, the Sag Harbor Christ Episcopal Church has interest in working with the Village of Sag Harbor to extend sewer piping to allow for the Church to connect to the Sag Harbor Village Sewage Treatment Plant rather than installing an Innovative/Alternative septic system on-site; and

WHEREAS, the Sag Harbor Christ Episcopal Church requested and the Water Quality Technical Advisory Committee recommends a contract modification to allow for the remaining grant funds be used to for the costs associated with sewer pipe installation and connection from the Church to the Sag Harbor Sewage Treatment Plant; and therefore be it,

RESOLVED, the Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to execute a contract modification to Contract #2020-1-7 between the Town of East Hampton and the Sag Harbor Christ Episcopal Church to allow for grant funds to be used for costs related to sewer pipe connection to the Sag Harbor STP with no change to the total budgeted grant allowance, and be it further,

RESOLVED, the modified contract #2020-1-7 be extended by one year.

RESOLUTION: 2024-953

CATEGORY: Bids Accepted

SPONSORED BY: Councilmember David Lys

DEPARTMENT: Purchasing

Accept Bid #EH/Sag-24-901 - HVAC: Repairs, Service & Installation - Best Climate Control Corp.

WHEREAS, the East Hampton Town Board and Sag Harbor UFSD Cooperative solicited bids for annual HVAC: Repairs, Service & Installation, Bid No. EH/Sag-24-901; and

WHEREAS, the bid of Best Climate Control Corp. was the lowest bid received meeting the bid specifications and being in proper form; and

WHEREAS, the bids submitted have been reviewed by the Cooperative and they have recommended the award of the bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the bid of Best Climate Control Corp. is hereby accepted by the Cooperative, and the appropriate personnel are hereby authorized to issue purchase orders in accordance with the Cooperative's bid specifications and the bid submission of the contractor.

Financial Impact:

HVAC Inspection & Maintenance for East Hampton Town - $38,070.00

Service calls $115.00 hr

RESOLUTION: 2024-954

CATEGORY: Bids Extended

SPONSORED BY: Councilmember David Lys

DEPARTMENT: Purchasing

Extend Contract - EH22-031 - Annual Drainage Contract "A", "B" & "C" - Keith Grimes, Inc.

WHEREAS, the Town solicited bids in 2022 for the Annual Drainage Contract "A","B" & "C" - No. EH22-031; and

WHEREAS, the bid of Keith Grimes, Inc. was the lowest bid received meeting the bid specifications; and

WHEREAS, the Town Board accepted the bid of Keith Grimes, Inc. for the Annual Drainage Contract "A", "B", & "C" and entered into an agreement that is renewable, upon agreement of the parties, for two (2) additional one-year terms; and

WHEREAS, the user Departments have recommended extension of the agreement with Keith Grimes, Inc.; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, the Senior Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to issue purchase orders to Keith Grimes, Inc. in accordance with the Town's bid specifications and the bid submission of the Contractor for a period of one year to be effective from October 17, 2024 through October 16, 2025.

Financial Impact:

Total Cost: $206,387.00 for Contract "A"; $206,387.00 Contract "B" and $230,687.00 for Contract "C"

RESOLUTION: 2024-955


SPONSORED BY: Councilmember David Lys

DEPARTMENT: Bookkeeping

Authorize Grant Application to CFA OPRHP Restoration and Preservation of South End Cemetery

WHEREAS, the Town of East Hampton has reviewed opportunities available under the Consolidated Funding Application FY 2024; and

WHEREAS, the NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation has a Historic Preservation Program offering up to $675,000 grant awards with a 50% match requirement; and

WHEREAS, the South End Cemetery is owned by the Town of East Hampton and located in the East Hampton Village Historic District, and is confirmed to be an eligible project site for this grant opportunity; and

WHEREAS, the South End Cemetery is in need of conservation and preservation efforts to preserve the integrity of the historical site that include repairing, conserving, restoring and cleaning stones, as well as replacing fencing recently damaged by a fallen tree, and surveying and maintaining trees on the property to prevent future damages; and

WHEREAS, the restoration and preservation of this historic site is a project eligible for funding under the CFA; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, the Grants Division, in collaboration with the East Hampton Town Board and community partners, is authorized to file an application to the NYS CFA.

RESOLUTION: 2024-956

CATEGORY: Prof. Services (Attorney, Eng., Appraisers, Cons.)

SPONSORED BY: Councilmember David Lys

DEPARTMENT: Purchasing

Retain L.K McLean Associates, D.P.C. - Professional Engineering Services - Stephen Hands Path Athletic Complex New Turf Multi-Use Field

WHEREAS, the Town requires professional engineering services to provide design and construction support for the Stephen Hands Path Athletic Complex New Turf Multi-Use Field project; and

WHEREAS, L.K. McLean Associates, D.P.C. has submitted a proposal to the Town, dated May 7, 2024 to provide design, permitting & bid assistance $150,000.00 (lump sum) and construction support $90,000.00 (lump sum) for a total cost not to exceed $240,000.00; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that L. K. McLean Associates, P.C. is hereby retained to provide the Town with professional engineering services of design and construction support for the Stephen Hands Path Athletic Complex New Turf Multi-Use Field project, as set forth in their proposal dated May 7, 2024 such costs not to exceed the total sum of $240,000.00; and be it further

RESOLVED, that such costs shall be paid from budget account HA7020 52015 24081.

Financial Impact:

HA7020 52015 24081 - $240,000.00


RESOLUTION: 2024-957

CATEGORY: Public Hearing

SPONSORED BY: Councilmember Cate Rogers

DEPARTMENT: Town Attorney

Notice of Public Hearing to Amend Chapter 255-1-80 Lighting

Notice of Public Hearing to Amend Chapter 255-1-80 Lighting

RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of East Hampton will hold a public hearing at Town Hall, 159 Pantigo Road, East Hampton, New York, on Thursday, August 15th, 2024 at 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as this matter may be heard, to consider comments of all persons regarding the adoption of a amendments to East Hampton Town Code Chapter 255-1-80 (“Lighting”) and 255-1-20 (“Definitions”) of the Town Code, as follows:

Introductory No. ___ of 2024

Local Law No. ___ - 2024

“A Local Law Providing for the Amendment of Chapter 255-1-80 (“Lighting”) and 255-1-20 (“Definitions”) of the East Hampton Town Code:


The Town Board of the Town of East Hampton held a Work Session on Tuesday, June 11th 2024 to discuss the public’s concerns about the non-essential nighttime lighting of residential properties. The Town Board commented on the initial proposals to the Town Code, and provided greater insight that was considered at the next Work Session held on Tuesday, June 18th. The same was contemplated and discussed at the Town Board Work Session held on July 9th, 2024. After these Work Sessions, the Town Board of the Town of East Hampton considers it to be in the best interests of the public to allow for the following modifications to the Town Code.


Town Code Chapter 255-1-20 (“Definitions”) is hereby amended by the following:

Day Burners:

All landscape lighting and tree uplighting that is illuminated during the hours of daylight within the time period of required extinguishment.

Tree uplighting:

Residential and commercial Llighting which is used specifically only to illuminate individual trees. on a residential lot. The total amount of light from the fixture(s) illuminating each tree should shall not exceed 1,000 550 initial lumens (approximately one incandescent seventy-five-40-watt bulb), and each light source shall not exceed 2,700 Kelvin. and shall be as close to the tree as possible. The light fixture as designed and installed shall be as close to the tree as possible, must project all its light above the horizontal plane, and be aimed directly at the a specific tree. The light source must not be visible across the property line and must be extinguished from by 12:00 a.m. 11 p.m. to the hour before sunset, but no earlier than 4 p.m. the following day. See Recommended Illumination Levels, Town of East Hampton Planning Board Guidelines.

Landscape lighting:

Standard and low-voltage lighting that is designed to illuminate foliage, pathways and landscape features that do not exceed 2,700 Kelvin and 550 initial lumens (approximately 40 watts one incandescent 40-watt bulb) per fixture on a residential lot. All foliage and landscape feature light fixtures shall be fully shielded, extinguished from 11 p.m. to the hour before sunset, but no earlier than 4 p.m. the following day, and such light sources shall not be visible across the property line. Driveway stanchions located within five feet of the property line must not exceed 200 lumens (approximately 25 watts incandescent) each.

Town Code Chapter 255-1-83 (“General lighting standards”) is hereby amended by the following:

C. <https://ecode360.com/10414254>No light source, as defined in § 255-1-20 <https://ecode360.com/10413796>, shall be visible beyond the boundary of the property on which the light source is located, including from a body of water or roadway. House lights, as defined in § 255-1-20 <https://ecode360.com/10413796>, temporary lighting, as defined in § 255-1-20 <https://ecode360.com/10413796>, and certain portions of landscape lighting, as defined in § 255-1-20 <https://ecode360.com/10413796>, shall be exempt from this provision. All lighting not specifically exempted herein shall be fully shielded.

D. <https://ecode360.com/10414255>Prohibited lighting. The following types of lighting are prohibited:

(1) <https://ecode360.com/10414256>Uplighting, except as specifically permitted herein for trees, only;

(2) <https://ecode360.com/10414257>Searchlights, including those that are transportable, except those used for governmental or emergency purposes;

(3) <https://ecode360.com/10414258>Strobe lights, laser lights or revolving lighting, including those that are transportable;

(4) <https://ecode360.com/10414259>Neon lights, except lawfully preexisting neon signs;

(5) <https://ecode360.com/10414260>Blinking, pulsating, tracing, or flashing lights, unless otherwise permitted herein, including those that are transportable;

(6) <https://ecode360.com/10414261>Utility-pole-mounted lights, as defined herein, unless the pole is existing and is not located within the street right-of-way;

(7) <https://ecode360.com/10414262>String lighting or lighting which is used to outline a building, structure or window;

[Amended 2-7-2019 by L.L. No. 6-2019]

(8) <https://ecode360.com/10414263>Any light fixture that may be construed as or confused with a traffic signal or traffic control device; and

(9) <https://ecode360.com/30841865>Any light source with a color temperature greater than 3,000 Kelvin (K).

[Added 10-19-2015 by L.L. No. 35-2015]

(10) Day burners as defined in § 255-1-20 <https://ecode360.com/10413796>.

F. <https://ecode360.com/10414265>Exceptions. The following types of lighting are exempt from the foregoing provisions:

(1) <https://ecode360.com/10414266>Temporary lighting, as defined in § 255-1-20 <https://ecode360.com/10413796>;

(2) <https://ecode360.com/10414267>Lighting which the Town Board has expressly allowed in connection with a special event for which a special event permit has been issued;

(3) <https://ecode360.com/10414268>Flag uplighting, provided any such flag is not used for advertising purposes, and has a fixture as close to the pole as possible and has a light source that emits a narrow beam of light. The light source must be recessed within a fixture with an opaque shield so that, as designed and installed, the light fixture projects all its light above the horizontal plane and is aimed directly at the flag. The light source must not be visible across the property line;

(4) <https://ecode360.com/10414269>U.S. Coast Guard approved maritime navigational lighting, and all temporary emergency lighting needed by fire, ambulance, or police departments, or other emergency services;

(5) <https://ecode360.com/10414270>Municipal streetlighting;

(6) <https://ecode360.com/10414271>All essential lighting for emergency facilities;

(7) <https://ecode360.com/10414272>Airport lighting that is specifically regulated by federal law;

(8) <https://ecode360.com/10414273>Landscape lighting, as defined in § 255-1-20 <https://ecode360.com/10413796>;

(98) <https://ecode360.com/10414274>Tree uplighting, as defined in § 255-1-20 <https://ecode360.com/10413796>; and

(109) <https://ecode360.com/10414275>Marina power pedestal lighting, as defined in § 255-1-20 <https://ecode360.com/10413796>.


The proposed local law is enacted pursuant to Municipal Home Rule Law §10(1)(i) and New York State Town Law §130(1).


This local law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State.

RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk shall publish the following Notice in the July 25th, 2024 edition of the East Hampton Star:


Intro. # of 2024

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of East Hampton will hold a public hearing at Town Hall, 159 Pantigo Road, East Hampton, New York, on Thursday August 15th, 2024 at 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as this matter may be heard, to consider comments of all persons regarding the amendment of Chapter 255-1-80 (“Lighting”) and 255-1-20 (“Definitions”) of the Town Code of the Town of East Hampton, an abstract of which is as follows:

A local law amending Chapter 255-1-80 (“Lighting”) and 255-1-20 (“Definitions”) to address the public’s concerns regarding the overuse on non-essential nighttime lighting as required by the Town of East Hampton’s Comprehensive Plan and as contemplated by these Sections of the Town Code.

The full text of the local law is available for inspection in the Office of the Town Clerk, 159 Pantigo Road, East Hampton, New York 11937 during regular business hours.

The public hearing will be held live and in-person by the Town Board and will be available electronically by video and teleconferencing, and will be televised on Local TV (LTV) Channel 22, and available for livestream on the LTV website (<<https://www.ltveh.org>>). The public shall be permitted to appear in person but may also provide comments on the matter being heard by calling 351-888-6331.

Any person or party wishing to be heard with respect to the foregoing may do so, in person or by agent or by attorney, or by written comment addressed to the East Hampton Town Clerk, 159 Pantigo Road, East Hampton, New York 11937. Comments may also be submitted to the Town Clerk by email to CBrennan@ehamptonny.gov <mailto:CBrennan@ehamptonny.gov>. All comments must be received by the Town Clerk by the date and time of the public hearing.

Please check the meeting Agenda posted on the Town's website (www.ehamptonny.gov <http://www.ehamptonny.gov>) for any changes, and for updated information.

Dated: July 18th, 2024 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD


Carole Brennan

Town Clerk

RESOLUTION: 2024-958

CATEGORY: Securities Released

SPONSORED BY: Councilmember Cate Rogers

DEPARTMENT: Town Attorney

Release Security URP 53 in MN-3

[Release Security, Urban Renewal]

WHEREAS, a report has been received from the Town's Consulting Engineer approving road work in certain Urban Renewal areas; and

WHEREAS, a request has been made that the Town Board return security posted for said road work; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the following security held by the Town Board is hereby released, and the Town Clerk is directed to return same to the principal party named thereon:


(Filed Map or SCTM#)

Andrew Zambratto Holdings LLC UR Parcel 53, MN-3 Chase Cashier's Ck.

Lighthouse Land Planning Map 1014, Blk. 272 Ck# 9889354579

Tara Burke Lots 2 & 3 $15,500.00

P.O. Box 5030 SCTM 0300-19-8-15 & 16

Montauk, N.Y. 11954

RESOLUTION: 2024-959

CATEGORY: Securities Released

SPONSORED BY: Councilmember Cate Rogers

DEPARTMENT: Town Attorney

Release Security URP 52 in MN-3

[Release Security, Urban Renewal]

WHEREAS, a report has been received from the Town's Consulting Engineer approving road work in certain Urban Renewal areas; and

WHEREAS, a request has been made that the Town Board return security posted for said road work; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the following security held by the Town Board is hereby released, and the Town Clerk is directed to return same to the principal party named thereon:


(Filed Map or SCTM#)

Andrew Zambratto Holdings LLC UR Parcel 52, MN-3 Chase Cashier's Ck.

Lighthouse Land Planning Map 1014, Blk 272 Ck# 9889354578

Tara Burke Lot 4 $15,500.00

P.O. Box 5030 SCTM 0300-19-8-14.1

Montauk, N.Y. 11954

RESOLUTION: 2024-960

CATEGORY: Permits - Gatherings

SPONSORED BY: Councilmember Cate Rogers

DEPARTMENT: East Hampton Town Board

Approval of Air & Speed Surf Lessons Seasonal Special Event Permit 2024

WHEREAS, commercial surf instruction requires a seasonal special event permit under the Town code; and

WHEREAS, the Town Clerk's Office received an application for a seasonal special event permit from Stuart Foley, Air & Speed Inc., to hold surf instruction at Ditch Plains in Montauk; and

WHEREAS, the Special Event Committee reviewed the application submitted by

Air & Speed Inc. and has approved granting the permit under specific conditions; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby approves Air & Speed Inc.'s special event permit for surf instruction per the conditions delineated on the seasonal special event permit including:

- Dates of operation: July 1 to October 1, 2024

- Hours of operation: 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. Daily - 7 days a week

- Two-to-one instruction only.

- Ten people total at any one time in the water

- Can only operate at Ditch Plains

- A sign-in sheet must be available on request by Marine Patrol and/or EHTPD

- Students must wear identifiable/bright colored wristbands, and instructors must wear

identifiable/bright colored rash guards and need to be approved by Sr. Harbormaster

Timothy Treadwell

RESOLVED, that the Town reserves continuing oversight of the operations at

Air & Speed Inc. and reserves the right to suspend or revoke the permit for failure to maintain compliance with the permit conditions.


RESOLUTION: 2024-961

CATEGORY: Local Law Public Hearing

SPONSORED BY: Councilmember Ian Calder-Piedmonte

DEPARTMENT: Town Attorney

Determination of Significance and Notice of Hearing Local Law to Amend Chapter 255 of the East Hampton Town Code to Change the Maximum Permitted Density of Senior (Only) Affordable Housing Developments from Eight (8) Units Per Acre to Twelve (12) Units Per Acre.

WHEREAS, the Town Board held established lead agency with regard to a local law to increase the maximum density of affordable senior housing developments from eight (8) units per acre to twelve (12) units per acre; and

WHEREAS, the Town Board has identified the proposed action of increasing the maximum density for affordable senior housing units under Chapter 255 “Zoning” of the Town Code from eight (8) units per acre to twelve (12) units per acre as an Unlisted Action pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA), and Chapter 128 of the Town Code, and the Town Board has caused to be prepared, with the input of its Planning Department staff and counsel, an Short Environmental Assessment Form (“SEAF”) for the proposed action, including the preparation of Parts 1, 2 and 3 of the SEAF (attached hereto), as well as reviewing other information concerning the proposed action and the potential impacts associated with the Project; and

WHEREAS, the Town Board, as lead agency, has considered the significance of the potential adverse impacts of the proposed action by: (i) carefully reviewing and examining the responses to the Part 1 of the SEAF, and completing the analyses set forth in Parts 2 and 3 of the SEAF for the proposed revisions, together with examining other available supporting information; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, the Town Board finds that the proposed action, consisting of revisions to Chapter 255 “Zoning” of the Town Code by the proposed local law to increase maximum density for affordable senior housing developments from eight (8) units per acre to twelve (12) units per acre, will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts, and a negative declaration is hereby made pursuant to SEQRA and Chapter 128 of the Town Code with regard to the proposed local law; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Town Board shall hold a public hearing on August 15, 2024 to consider the following proposed local law:



BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of East Hampton as follows:

SECTION I. Purpose.

The Town of East Hampton has identified a need for additional affordable senior housing, and proposes to increase the density permitted for affordable senior housing developments under Chapter 255 “Zoning” Article V “Special Permit Uses” Section 255-5-50 “Specific standards and safeguards”, “Affordable Housing Development” Section (1) “Site considerations” from the existing eight (8) units per acre permitted for all affordable housing developments to twelve (12) units per acre specifically for affordable senior housing developments. In addition, “Multiple Residence” AT Section (4)(b) will be amended to omit senior housing units from the minimum lot area per unit for multipole residences. Increasing density will allow for the construction of additional units of affordable housing targeted for seniors within the Town.

SECTION II. Town Code Amended.

*Cross outs indicate deleted text. Underlined italicized text indicates new text.


(1) Site considerations.

(a) The entire proposed site for the development shall be located in an Affordable Housing Overlay District.

(b) The minimum site size required shall be 125,000 square feet unless said affordable housing development is a municipally sponsored project.

(c) If a multiple residence is involved in the development, all dimensional, area and coverage requirements of the Dimensional Table of § 255-11-10 for the Multiple-Family District (MF) shall be complied with.

(c) If a multiple residence is involved in the development, all dimensional, area and coverage requirements of the Dimensional Table of § 255-11-10 for the Multiple- Family District (MF) shall be complied with, with the exception of the minimum lot area per housing unit requirement.

(d) The maximum number of dwelling units on a site shall be 60.

(e) The maximum permitted densities shall be calculated at eight units per acre for apartments, twelve units per acre for senior apartments, and four units per acre for single-family residences or unimproved lots. For the purposes of assuring compliance with this subsection, the Planning Board shall compute the area of the site using the same criteria which it employs to establish permissible densities on ordinary subdivisions which it processes. Where a mix of apartments, senior apartments and/or single-family residences are proposed, the maximum permitted density of individual housing units may not exceed twice that which would otherwise be permitted by the project density loading rates established by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services.

(f) The site shall be of such shape, dimension, topography and location as will allow for appropriate and attractive development with proper setbacks, screening and a harmonious relationship with adjoining land uses and the natural physical terrain. All conditions of

§255-11-40 must be complied with, but nothing in Subsections C, D and E thereof shall be construed as preventing issuance of a special permit for at least one type of affordable housing development at every otherwise eligible Affordable Housing Overlay District site.


(4) When proposed on any site within the Affordable Housing Overlay District (AHO), all applicable conditions and requirements of the subsection above entitled "Affordable Housing Development" shall be complied with, and a special permit must be obtained. In addition, the following requirements must be met in order to be eligible for such permit:

(a) There shall be at least 170,000 square feet of lot area.

(b) With the exception of senior apartments,Tthere shall be no less than 5,445 square feet of lot area for each multiple-residence apartment.

(c) Each apartment shall be no less than 400 square feet for efficiencies nor more than 1,200 square feet for three-bedroom units, with an average unit size not to exceed 1,000 square feet, and each shall be provided with appropriate sanitary, kitchen and service facilities.

SECTION III. Effective Date.

This local law shall take effect upon filing with the Secretary of State pursuant to Municipal Home Rule Law.

and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is directed to publish the attached Notice of Public Hearing in the July 25, 2024 edition of the East Hampton Star:


TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of East Hampton will hold a public hearing on August 15, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. to consider a local law as follows:

A local law to amend Chapter 255 “Zoning” Article V “Special Permit Uses” Section 255-5-50 “Specific standards and safeguards”, “Affordable Housing Development” as it pertains to affordable senior housing only, to increase the density for such developments from the existing eight (8) units per acre permitted for all affordable housing developments to twelve (12) units per acre, specifically for affordable senior housing developments. “Multiple Residence” in Section 255-5-50 shall also be amended at Section “(b)” to omit the minimum 5,445 square feet of lot area per apartment for senior affordable apartments.

The full text of the local law is available for inspection in the Office of the Town Clerk, 159 Pantigo Road, East Hampton, New York 11937 during regular business hours.

The public hearing will be held live and in-person by the Town Board and will be available electronically by video and teleconferencing, and will be televised on Local TV (LTV) Channel 22, and available for livestream on the LTV website (https://www.ltveh.org). The public shall be permitted to appear in person but may also provide comments on the matter being heard by calling 351-888-6331.

Any person or party wishing to be heard with respect to the foregoing may do so, in person or by agent or by attorney, or by written comment addressed to the East Hampton Town Clerk, 159 Pantigo Road, East Hampton, New York 11937. Comments may also be submitted to the Town Clerk by email to CBrennan@ehamptonny.gov. All comments must be received by the Town Clerk by the date and time of the public hearing.

Please check the meeting Agenda posted on the Town's website (www.ehamptonny.gov) for any changes, and for updated information.

Dated: July 18, 2024 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD




RESOLUTION: 2024-962


SPONSORED BY: Councilmember Ian Calder-Piedmonte

DEPARTMENT: Bookkeeping

Budget Modification - Community Housing

RESOLVED, that the Town Board directs the Budget Office to make the following budget modification for outside professional costs:


Budget Line:

CH8988.52706 Rehabilitation of Community Housing in the amount of $ 61,000.00


Budget Line:

CH8988.54520 Outside Professional in the amount of $ 61,000.00


RESOLUTION: 2024-963


SPONSORED BY: Supervisor Kathee Burke-Gonzalez

DEPARTMENT: Town Attorney

Proposition with Abstract for November Referendum To Discontinue Nature Preserve Designation - Three Mile Harbor Road and Springs-Fireplace Road For Highway Improvements.

WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of East Hampton by Resolution No. 2024-730 supported an initiative of the New York State Legislature and approved a Home Rule Message that authorized the Town of East Hampton to alienate and convey certain parcels designated as parkland for the purpose of improving the intersection of Springs-Fireplace Road and Three Mile Harbor Road, two County roads, in furtherance of Senate Bill S09741a and Assembly Bill A10413a and pursuant to Article IX of the State Constitution and Municipal Home Rule Law; and

WHEREAS, by the aforementioned Resolution, the Town Board requested the New York State Legislature enact such legislation; and

WHEREAS, the New York State Legislature has approved the legislation allowing the alienation of parkland and the same has been adopted into law; and

WHEREAS, the Town now wishes to remove the same parcel of land from the Town Nature Preserve designation in order to allow the property or portions thereof to be utilized for road improvements to the intersection of Three Mile Harbor Road and Springs-Fireplace Road in order to improve traffic safety and traffic movement; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized to send following ballot proposition and abstract, together with the Spanish translation, to the Suffolk County Board of Elections, Yaphank Avenue, Yaphank, NY, for inclusion on the ballot at the November 5, 2024, general election:


For submission to the Electors of the Town of East Hampton

At the next general election to be held on Nov. 5, 2024


“Shall the Town of East Hampton discontinue as a Town Nature Preserve and convey to Suffolk County a parcel of land located at the intersection of County Road 40, commonly referred to as Three Mile Harbor Road, and County Road 41, commonly referred to as Springs-Fireplace Road, for the purpose of a roadway improvement project that will address longstanding traffic delays and public safety issues at the intersection of Three Mile Harbor Road and Springs-Fireplace Road? Yes or No?


“Debe el Municipio de East Hampton discontinuar la condición de Reserva Natural Muncipal y transferir al Condado de Suffolk la parcela de un terreno ubicado en la intersección de la carretera County Road 40, comúnmente conocida como Three Mile Harbor Road y la carretera conocida como County Road 41 conocida comúnmente como Springs Fireplace Road, con el propósito de adelantar un proyecto que mejorará la vía y solucionará los problemas de retrasos de tráfico y de seguridad pública en dicha intersección. ¿Sí o no?"


This proposal will allow the Town to utilize a parcel of land located at the intersection of Three Mile Harbor Road (County Road 40) and Springs-Fireplace Road (County Road 41) and currently listed as a property included as a Nature Preserve pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 182 "Nature Preserve" of the Town Code.

Upon removal of the Nature Preserve designation, the parcel may be utilized for necessary improvements to the Three Mile Harbor and Springs-Fireplace Road intersection. Improvements to the intersection are intended to address longstanding traffic congestion and safety issues. The development of other parcels surrounding the intersection makes the Town-owned parcel currently designated as a Nature Preserve the only suitable parcel that can be used for necessary improvements of this intersection.

The New York State Legislature has previously passed legislation to remove any parkland designation from the Town's parcel, and the removal of the Nature Preserve designation under the Town Code will allow the parcel to be utilized for improvements to the intersection which the Town Board believes are necessary to alleviate congestion and improve public safety.



Carole A. Brennan

Town Clerk

RESOLUTION: 2024-964

CATEGORY: Prof. Services (Attorney, Eng., Appraisers, Cons.)

SPONSORED BY: Supervisor Kathee Burke-Gonzalez

DEPARTMENT: Town Attorney

Increase Budget Cap - Flynn Stenography & Transcription Services 2024

WHEREAS, pursuant to Town Board Resolution 2024-352, the East Hampton Town Attorney's Office retained the services of Flynn Stenography & Transcription to prepare transcripts of various public hearings as needed; and now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that an increase in funding is required and such increase shall be capped at $5,000.00 (FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS and 00/100) constituting a total of $7,500.00 (SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS and 00/100) for the 2024 calendar year to be spent on transcription and stenography services to be taken from Budget Account #A1420-54520 or Budget Account #B1420-54520 as appropriate upon properly submitted purchase order.

RESOLUTION: 2024-965

CATEGORY: Agreements, Contracts

SPONSORED BY: Supervisor Kathee Burke-Gonzalez

DEPARTMENT: Town Attorney

Accept Proposal- Structural Analysis of Greenport Cell Tower as Potential Replacement of Shelter Island Tower- All- Points Technology Corporation, P.C.

WHEREAS, the Town requires an expansion of its emergency and public service radio system; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution 2023-1512, the Shelter Island Tower was included among several local towers in the Motorola Solutions, Inc. proposal dated October 17, 2023 for equipment and services; and

WHEREAS, with the sale of the Shelter Island Tower the Town of East Hampton can no longer remain on that Tower and requires a new Tower location; and

WHEREAS, All-Points Technology Corporation, P.C. (All-Points) has provided a proposal dated July 1, 2024 to conduct a structural analysis of the Greenport Tower to determine the feasibility of the Town locating on the Greenport Tower; and

WHEREAS, the Town agrees that a structural analysis of the Greenport Tower should be conducted as a potential alternative to the Shelter Island Tower; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the July 1, 2024 proposal of All-Points for structural analysis of the Greenport Tower is hereby accepted at a total cost to the Town of $9,700.00; and be it further

RESOLVED, that All-Points shall be paid for the above outlined services on its July 1, 2024 proposal from budget account #HA3120-52450-17036.

RESOLUTION: 2024-966

CATEGORY: Bids Accepted

SPONSORED BY: Supervisor Kathee Burke-Gonzalez

DEPARTMENT: Purchasing

Accept Bid EH24-023 - Supply & Delivery of Auto Parts 2024 - Advance Stores Co., Inc., D/B/A Advance Auto Parts, Grade a Petroleum, Morgan Auto Supply, Inc., Fleetpride, Inc.

WHEREAS, the Town Board solicited bids for the Supply & Delivery of Auto Parts 2024, Bid No. EH24-023; and

WHEREAS, the bids of Advance Stores Co., Inc. d/b/a Advance Auto Parts, Grade A Petroleum, Fleet Pride, Inc. & Morgan Auto Supply, Inc. were the lowest bids received meeting the bid specifications and being in proper form; and

WHEREAS, the bids submitted have been reviewed by the user departments and Jeanne Carroza, NIGP-CPP, CPPB the Town's Senior Purchasing Agent, and she has recommended the award of the bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidders; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the bids of Advance Stores Co., Inc. d/b/a Advance Auto Parts, Grade A Petroleum, Morgan Auto Supply, Inc. & Fleetpride Inc. are hereby accepted and the Senior Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to issue a purchase order in accordance with the Town's bid specifications and the bid submission of the contractors.

RESOLUTION: 2024-967


SPONSORED BY: Supervisor Kathee Burke-Gonzalez

DEPARTMENT: Bookkeeping

Law Enforcememt Technoloby (LETECH) Grant

WHEREAS, the Town Board approved a request from the Town Police Department to apply for funding from the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services Law Enforcement Technology via Town Board resolutions# 2023-1435 and 2023-1488.

WHEREAS, the award amount of $269,625.88 was received by the Town.

WHEREAS, the Town Police Department wishes to allocate the award amount to budget lines in order to fulfill the Town's obligations under the terms of the award.

RESOLVED, the Finance Office is directed to post the following budget modification:

B0-43385 - State Aid - DCJS increase $269,625.88

B3120-52600 - Other Equipment increase $239,625.88

B9950-59996 - Transfer to Capital Fund increase $30,000

HA3120-45030-23085 - Interfund Revenue increase $30,000

HA3120-52305-23085 - Acq Body Cameras Tasers increase $30,000

RESOLUTION: 2024-968

CATEGORY: Prof. Services (Attorney, Eng., Appraisers, Cons.)

SPONSORED BY: Supervisor Kathee Burke-Gonzalez

DEPARTMENT: Town Attorney

Increase Cap Outside Counsel Farber Brocks & Zane, LLP. - ZBA Matters- 2024

WHEREAS, pursuant to Town Board Resolution 2024-476, the Town of East Hampton retained the services of Daniel Cahn, Esq., and Farber Brocks & Zane, LLP., to represent the Town Zoning Board of Appeals in various Article 78 matters for calendar year 2024; and

WHEREAS, ZBA matters are still pending; now, therefore be it;

RESOLVED, that an increase in funding is required and such increase shall be capped at $35,000.00 (THIRTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS and 00/100) constituting a total of $65,000.00 (SIXTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS and 00/100) for the 2024 calendar year to be spent on legal services provided by Farber Brocks & Zane, LLP., with any further expenditures to be subject to review and approval of the Town Board; and be it further

RESOLVED, that said counsel is to be paid in accordance with the fee schedule set forth in Resolution No. 2024-476, upon voucher properly submitted, from the budget account #B1420 54520.

Financial Impact:

$35,000.00 B1420-54520

RESOLUTION: 2024-969

CATEGORY: Prof. Services (Attorney, Eng., Appraisers, Cons.)

SPONSORED BY: Supervisor Kathee Burke-Gonzalez

DEPARTMENT: Town Attorney

Retain Whiteman Osterman & Hanna LLP - Tax Guidance and Ruling 2024

WHEREAS, the Town of East Hampton is investigating certain programs to assist with the provision of housing within the Town in the form of both the development of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) and providing down-payment assistance to qualified first time homebuyers; and

WHEREAS, the Town requires assistance of counsel to determine the tax impacts to participants in the Town's programs, and desires to retain counsel for such purposes; and

WHEREAS, Scott Shimick, Esq. and the firm of Whiteman, Osterman & Hanna LLP have experience in tax matters, including the preparation and submission of requests for revenue rulings by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS); now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that Scott Shimick, Esq. and the firm of Whiteman, Osterman & Hanna, LLP is hereby retained to provide legal guidance to the Town of East Hampton to assist the Town to determine the tax impacts arising with regard to the Town's provision of financial assistance for the construction of affordable dwelling units (ADUs) and the provision of down-payment assistance to first-time homebuyers, including assisting the Town in securing an appropriate revenue ruling from the IRS with regard to the same; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the firm of Whiteman, Osterman & Hanna, LLP shall be paid for the services of Scott Shimick Esq. at a rate of $495.00 per hour, with others in the firm being paid in accordance with their already established 2024 rates, from budget account #CH8988-54520 (Outside Professional) not to exceed $ 80,000.00.

RESOLUTION: 2024-970

CATEGORY: Agreements, Contracts

SPONSORED BY: Supervisor Kathee Burke-Gonzalez

DEPARTMENT: Town Attorney

Authorize Supervisor to Execute Modification to Agreement for the Payment of Town of East Hampton Expenses in Connection with the Review of Wainscott Commercial Center (WCC)

WHEREAS, pursuant to Town Board Resolution 2020-849, the Town Board entered into an Escrow Agreement dated September 9, 2020 for the payment of Town of East Hampton expenses pursuant to 6NYCRR 617.13 and Town Code Section 128-4-10 for the review of the Wainscott Commercial Center (WCC) Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) and the review of or preparation of the Final EIS and associated documentation in connection with the WCC subdivision application; and

WHEREAS, the Town and WCC agreed to modify the Escrow Agreement to facilitate payment of costs for the Town, as lead agency under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA), for technical, consulting, engineering and legal services associated with the DEIS, any Supplemental EIS, and the FEIS in compliance with SEQRA; and

WHEREAS, the Modification provides for the Town to submit itemized bills to WCC at least fifteen (15) days prior to deducting the amount billed from the escrow account, provides WCC five (5) days to object to the bill(s) as not being reasonable and necessary, and upon request provides for the Town Administrator or his/her designee to provide a written response to WCC concerning the validity of the bills; and

WHEREAS, the Modification requires the Town to notify WCC if the escrow account balance is reduced to $15,000.00 or less, and WCC is required to then replenish the escrow account to increase the balance of the account to $25,000.00; and

WHEREAS, the Town agrees that these provisions of the Escrow Agreement Modification will facilitate the payment of costs for the Town and necessary SEQRA compliance and authorizes the Supervisor to execute the Modification to the Escrow Agreement; now, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby authorized to execute the Modification to Agreement for the Payment of Town of East Hampton expenses in Connection with the Review of WCC.

RESOLUTION: 2024-971

CATEGORY: Agreements, Contracts

SPONSORED BY: Supervisor Kathee Burke-Gonzalez

DEPARTMENT: Town Attorney

Authorize Supervisor to Execute Lease Renewal - Hampton Hangars

WHEREAS, the Town of East Hampton and Hampton Hangars, Inc., (Hampton Hangars) entered into a Hangar Lease and Rights Agreement commencing July 18, 1989 as amended February 9, 1994 and June 9, 1994 and terminating June 30, 2024 for the lease of 150,000 square feet of property located at the East Hampton airport and described on the Suffolk County Tax Map as p/o SCTM# 300-180-3-1 ; and

WHEREAS, said Lease provides Hampton Hangars with an option to renew the Lease for an additional ten (10) year term and Hampton Hangars has exercised that option; and

WHEREAS, the lease provides that "[a]ll of the terms and conditions of this LEASE shall apply to said renewals, except that the rent set forth herein is to be renegotiated beginning at least three (3) months prior to the end of the initial thirty (30) year term"; and

WHEREAS, the Town and Hampton Hangars have renegotiated the rent for the premises, subject to Town Board approval, at a rate of $0.41 cents per square foot; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, the Supervisor is hereby authorized to enter into an addendum to the Lease setting forth the renegotiated rent amount for the beginning of the renewal period ( July 1, 2024) at the rate of forty-one ($0.41) cents per square foot constituting an annual rental rate of $61,500.00; and be it further

RESOLVED, that all of the terms and provisions of the 1993 Hangar Lease and Rights Agreement, including the rent escalation provisions in clauses 3(b)-(d), shall remain in full force and effect.

RESOLUTION: 2024-972

CATEGORY: Agreements, Contracts

SPONSORED BY: Supervisor Kathee Burke-Gonzalez

DEPARTMENT: Town Attorney

Authorize Supervisor to Execute Lease Renewal - East End Hangars

WHEREAS, the Town of East Hampton and East End Hangars, Incorporated (East End Hangars) entered into a Hangar Lease and Rights Agreement commencing January 1, 1993 and terminating December 31, 2023 for the lease of 515,000 square feet of property located at the East Hampton airport and described on the Suffolk County Tax Map as p/o SCTM# 300-180-1-8.7 ; and

WHEREAS, said Lease provides East End Hangars with an option to renew the Lease for an additional ten (10) year term and East End Hangars has exercised that option; and

WHEREAS, the lease provides that "[a]ll of the terms and conditions of this LEASE shall apply to said renewals, except that the rent set forth herein is to be renegotiated beginning at least three (3) months prior to the end of the initial thirty (30) year term"; and

WHEREAS, the Town and East End Hangars have renegotiated the rent for the premises, subject to Town Board approval, at a rate of $0.41 cents per square foot for developed square footage of the premises, which amounts to 269,533 square feet; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, the Supervisor is hereby authorized to enter into an addendum to the Lease setting forth the renegotiated rent amount for the beginning of the renewal period ( January 1, 2024) at the rate of forty-one ($0.41) cents per square foot for developed square footage constituting an annual rental rate of $110,508.53; and be it further

RESOLVED, that all of the terms and provisions of the 1993 Hangar Lease and Rights Agreement, including the rent escalation provisions in clauses 3(b)-(d), shall remain in full force and effect.

RESOLUTION: 2024-973

CATEGORY: Agreements, Contracts

SPONSORED BY: Supervisor Kathee Burke-Gonzalez

DEPARTMENT: Town Attorney

Approve Emergency Grant Funding for the Eastville Historical Society and Budget Modification

WHEREAS, the mission of the Eastville Community Historical Society is to preserve historic buildings and research, collect and disseminate information about the history of the Eastville area of Sag Harbor, Long Island, New York, County of Suffolk, State of New York, and one of the earliest known working-class communities composed of African Americans, Native Americans and European immigrants; and

WHEREAS, the Eastville Community Historical Society operates out of 139 Hampton Street, Sag Harbor where it has established a program informing the public about the history of the Eastville area of Sag Harbor; and

WHEREAS, the Eastville Community Historical Society has commenced a capital fundraising drive to raise funds to cover the costs of needed renovations and improvements, including funds to cover the costs associated with replacing the roof, thus safeguarding their invaluable archives; and

WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of East Hampton would like to authorize an emergency grant in the amount of $25,000.00 to the Eastville Community Historical Society for the needed roof replacement in the hope that they can get back to their important mission of providing programs and educational activities to the people of East Hampton detailing the history of the Eastville community; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of East Hampton approves an emergency grant to the Eastville Community Historical Society in the amount of $25,000.00 for the purpose of replacing the roof; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Town Board directs the Budget Office to make the following budget modification for the necessary emergency improvements:


Budget Line:

A0 41775 Appropriation of Unreserved Fund Balance in the amount of $ 25,000.00


Budget Line:

A1010.54617 Eastville Historical Society in the amount of $25,000.00

RESOLUTION: 2024-974

CATEGORY: Approvals

SPONSORED BY: Councilmember Ian Calder-Piedmonte

DEPARTMENT: Town Attorney

Approve First Time Homebuyer Assistance - Lee Grimes

WHEREAS, the Town of East Hampton held a hearing on July 18, 2024 to consider the provision of down-payment assistance funds to a first-time homebuyer for the purchase of real property in the Town of East Hampton, pursuant to the Town's 2024 First Time Homebuyer Down Payment Assistance Pilot Program (the "Program"), and

WHEREAS, the Town Board would like to approve the application for funding as noticed; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the application is hereby approved, and the Supervisor is hereby authorized to execute an Agreement with the Applicant and to provide funding towards the down-payment as set forth from Community Housing Funds for the following:

. Applicant: Lee Grimes

. Down Payment Assistance Amount Requested: $30,000.00

. Purchase Price: $1,050,000.00

. Property Location: 35 Madison Hill Drive, Montauk

. Property Suffolk County Tax Map Number: 300-15.1-1-9

And be it further

RESOLVED, that the grant of down-payment assistance shall be subject to any and all tax liabilities and/or exemptions from taxes as may be deemed applicable by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and/or New York State Department of Taxation.





RESOLUTION: 2024-975

CATEGORY: Approvals

SPONSORED BY: Councilmember Ian Calder-Piedmonte

DEPARTMENT: Town Attorney

Approve First Time Homebuyer Assistance - M. Anderson

WHEREAS, the Town of East Hampton held a hearing on July 18, 2024 to consider the provision of down-payment assistance funds to a first-time homebuyer for the purchase of real property in the Town of East Hampton, pursuant to the Town's 2024 First Time Homebuyer Down Payment Assistance Pilot Program (the "Program"), and

WHEREAS, the Town Board would like to approve the application for funding as noticed; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the application is hereby approved, and the Supervisor is hereby authorized to execute an Agreement with the Applicant and to provide funding towards the down-payment as set forth from Community Housing Funds for the following:

. Melissa Anderson

. Down Payment Assistance Amount Requested: $30,000.00

. Purchase Price: $261,576.00

. Property Location: 54 Tub Oarsman Road, East Hampton

. Property Suffolk County Tax Map Number: 300-144.1-1-34

And be it further

RESOLVED, that the grant of down-payment assistance shall be subject to any and all tax liabilities and/or exemptions from taxes as may be deemed applicable by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and/or New York State Department of Taxation.





RESOLUTION: 2024-976

CATEGORY: Personnel Misc.

SPONSORED BY: Councilmember David Lys

DEPARTMENT: Human Resources

Amend Hourly Rate for Heavy Equipment Operator in the Highway Department

RESOLVED, the amended 2024 hourly rate for Richard Hamilton, a part-time Heavy Equipment Operator in the Highway Department is $28.9348, which is the 2024 starting rate for this title, with no change in budget account or schedule retroactive to January 1, 2024.

RESOLUTION: 2024-977

CATEGORY: Approvals

SPONSORED BY: Supervisor Kathee Burke-Gonzalez

DEPARTMENT: Human Resources

Approve Annual Stipends for Andrew Gaites and Andrew Drake

RESOLVED, Andrew Gaites, Principal Environmental Analyst, and Andrew Drake, Senior Environmental Analyst, in the Land Acquisition Department, shall be paid the 2024 annual stipend of $5,000.00 each to perform the duties of licensed arborists, to be paid quarterly from the budget accounts listed below, effective retroactive to January 1, 2024;

Andrew Gaites CA8801.51200

Andrew Drake A8800.51200 (50%) and CA8801.51200 (50%)

2024/07/18 06:00 PM East Hampton Town Board Regular Meeting (2025)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.